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Primary Arms Advanced MICRO RED DOT With RS REGULATE AK-300 Series Mount Combo. AKML Mount gives you an even lower co-witness when removing the Micro Dot Base.
Combo Package Includes
Primary Arms Advanced Micro Dot
RS-302 Rear Biased Base
RS AKML Aimpoint Style Mount
Listing is for Optics and Mounts only Does not included Rifle in Pictures
Primary Arms Advanced Micro Dot Specs
Here at Atlantic Firearms we have really enjoyed testing the Primary Arms Advanced Micro Red Dot so much that we have worked them into our line up and continue to use them, so when we started testing the RS Regulate Series of AK Side optics mounts naturally the PA Micro Dot was first to jump on top! All the shooters here at the shop agree this is a Terrific inexpensive and rugged optic combo for your side rail equipped AK Rifle.
All Optics must be shipped to the Billing address with signature required to guarantee delivery. We can ship Optics to a FFL dealer with your gun order also.