AK47 Pistol For Sale
The AK 47 Pistol semi auto is a variant of the famous AK 47 Rifle which was developed by Mikhail Kalashnikov and was accepted for Russian Military service in 1947. AK represents Avtomat Kalashnikova, they were first produced by the Izhevsk Arms Factory. The AK47 Rifle was designed to be simple, reliable, and easy to manufacture. The AK operating system is gas operated with a rotating bolt, known for loose tolerances that perform well in dirty and harsh conditions. The AK Rifle has matured into several different models including the AKM and AK 74 Rifle as well as the AK47 PISTOL just to mention a few. Fielded in over 100 countries and adopted by 55 different nations. The reliability of the AK 47 platform and its historical notoriety has made it a favorite of US recreational shooters and collectors for many years.
Arsenal Milled AK47 Pistol - SAM7K-44AK 47 / 74Price: $1,949.99Sale: $1,899.99
Arsenal SAM7K-56 Milled AK Pistol with CaseAK 47 / 74Price: $1,999.99View product
Arsenal SAM7K-56P AK47 PistolAK 47 / 74Price: $2,009.99View product
Romanian AIMS 74 PistolAK 47 / 74Price: $1,699.00View product
Draco - NAK9 - AK 9mm Pistol-HG3736-NAK 47 / 74Price: $575.00View product
Century Arms Draco 9S 9MM Pistol W/ BraceAK 47 / 74Price: $599.00View product
Century Arms BFT47 AK47 Pistol- HG7416-NAK 47 / 74Price: $799.00View product
DRACO AK 47 Pistol-HG1916-NAK 47 / 74Price: $799.00Sale: $699.00
Micro Draco Pistol AK 47 Pistol - HG2797-NAK 47 / 74Micro AK47 Draco Pistol-HG2797-N, These are brand new super compact 7.62x39mm AK pistols from RomaniaPrice: $869.00View product
AK 47 Pistol-Mini Draco-HG2137-NAK 47 / 74Price: $869.00Sale: $799.00