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CRH Customs Yugo Triangle Folding Stock. Made of billet 6061 aluminum this triangle side folding stock makes a great addition to your AK47 Rifle. Mounting hardware is included and will fit Zastava O-PAP, N-PAP and ZPAPM70 rifles and builds.
The hardware was assembled without a threadlocker. Eventually the vibration will cause the hardware to loosen. We
recommend starting with a blue threadlocker first and if that doesn’t hold go with a red permanent threadlocker.
The spring is super stiff for a reason. The stiffer the spring the less play you will get but it is not easy to open and close.
We recommend putting one drop of oil on the spring and working the action several times. The more use the easier it
will get. Please note that with this hinge you must push/pull to both fold the stock and unfold the stock. This is
mandatory for proper function of the hinge. Please do not force the stock and hinge to close into the fixed position.
Doing so will void the warranty. If you close the stock without doing the push/pull you will stress the wings on the
hinge to eventually chip of even break. Unfortunately, this is common with the Galil style hinges.