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The RPG-7 Rocket Launcher was designed in Mother Russia. It is a portable, unguided shoulder-launched rocket-propelled, grenade launcher that can be used to launch anti-tank and rocket-propelled grenades. Both the RPG-7 and the RPG-2 were developed by the Soviet Union as a cost effective infantry force multiplier. They have been used around the globe & the weapon is fielded by over 40 countries. It is also available in nine variants for specific combat operations. The weapon is very popular among regular army and guerrilla troops. Since the mid-1960s, almost every conflict across the globe has involved the RPG. It is still being used today. It doesn't matter if it isn’t broken, you don't have to fix it. You can own one of these Iconic Weapons and they are completely legal. Original RPG-7 rocket launcher has been made fully inert. It measures approximately 37-1/2 inches in length and weighs 14 lbs. It features original military patina, pistol grip and flip-up sights. Heat shields are included. Scope rail is also included. These original military surplus RPG's are very good NRA condition and will show usage and character. These Launchers are the perfect addition to your Cold War collection and would even make Rambo jealous!
Please Note: Original surplus, Pistol grip, Heat shield colors and patterns may vary. Sorry no special requests. All launchers will be sent Adult signature required.
Please Note: All ammo should be considered possibly harmful to your firearm. You should always clean and oil your firearm after shooting to prevent any issues.