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Click herePlease inspect your order. Once delivered if you have a shortage this will need to be reported within 3 days of delivery & we will be glad to rectify any missing product. Please email our office with your contact info, original order number and what was missing from your order. Please note we will not be able to help you on a shortage that is not reported within the 3 day time frame of delivery.
Please retain all boxing and shipping materials as they may need to be inspected prior to a claim being settled. Should any damage occur, Atlantic Firearms will be happy to assist you with contacting the shipper, but will not be held financially responsible for the item or its replacement cost. With purchase of the insurance, the buyer assumes all risk associated with shipping damage. Any and all shipping charges are non-refundable.
This Compliance Package is ONLY for sale to customers placing orders for the Galil Ace 7.62 Nato rifle.
All other orders for this item will be subject to cancellation and all fees associated with a cancelled order.
Galil Ace 7.62 Nato Compliance pack. By purchasing this package with the Galil Ace rifle on the same order, Atlantic Firearms will install a fixed stock modification, a Kydex grip wrap, and remove the flash hider and replace it with a thread protector. This package is ONLY for sale to customers placing orders for the Galil Ace 7.62 Nato rifle. All other orders for this item will be subject to cancellation and all fees associated with a cancelled order.
Please Note: Please make sure you have spoken with your FFL transfer dealer about this package BEFORE placing the order. Any returns because of complications with your FFL are subject to return ship and restock fees.