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Please retain all boxing and shipping materials as they may need to be inspected prior to a claim being settled. Should any damage occur, Atlantic Firearms will be happy to assist you with contacting the shipper, but will not be held financially responsible for the item or its replacement cost. With purchase of the insurance, the buyer assumes all risk associated with shipping damage. Any and all shipping charges are non-refundable.
Barrett M107A1 50BMG International Military Contract Rifle- BAR19600 . 50BMG semi automatic sniper rifle originally intended as a military contract rifle. Comes with a 29" fluted barrel with 1:15 twist. The gun is finished in a nice black cerakote and inlcudes both a titanium monopod and bipod. It is equipped with a Leupold MARK 5 HD scope featuring a 5-25x56mm PR2-MIL reticle and a first focal plane design, the M107A1 Overrun provides crystal-clear optics and versatile magnification for accurate target acquisition at any distance. Each of these rifles is being shipped with factory-mounted, leveled, and trued scope and mount. Each Rifle has been factory bench tested with additional military-level gauging and an inspection verifying accuracy to specific military requirements. Comes with 2 10 round magazines and ships in a nice heavy duty Pelican case.
Important Information
It is your responsibility to be familiar with your current local gun laws BEFORE placing your order. You must talk to your FFL BEFORE you place your order, to make sure they will handle the transfer & legality of the firearm in your area. Please feel free to email us with questions you may have. By placing an order with Atlantic Firearms you are acknowledging and agreeing to all Terms and Conditions outlined in the Terms And Conditions section.