AK47 Trophy Pistol-Romanian Draco Pyrite Gold-ElevenMile Arms

PRICE: $1399
SALE: $1,299.00
  • Online only
AK47 Trophy Pistol-Romanian Draco Pyrite Gold-ElevenMile Arms
AK47 Trophy Pistol-Romanian Draco Pyrite Gold-ElevenMile Arms
AK47 Trophy Pistol-Romanian Draco Pyrite Gold-ElevenMile Arms
AK47 Trophy Pistol-Romanian Draco Pyrite Gold-ElevenMile Arms
AK47 Trophy Pistol-Romanian Draco Pyrite Gold-ElevenMile Arms
AK47 Trophy Pistol-Romanian Draco Pyrite Gold-ElevenMile Arms
AK47 Trophy Pistol-Romanian Draco Pyrite Gold-ElevenMile Arms
AK47 Trophy Pistol-Romanian Draco Pyrite Gold-ElevenMile Arms
PRICE: $1399
SALE: $1,299.00
Model: Draco

In Stock


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AK47 Trophy Pistol-Romanian Draco Pyrite Gold-ElevenMile Arms Features

  • Romanian DRACO PISTOL
  • Custom Pyrite Gold Cerakote Finish done by Elevenmile Arms
  • Barrel: 11.75"
  • Overall: 21.5

These are imported Romanian built AK 47 pistols in 7.62x39 semi auto caliber. Atlantic contracted Elevenmile Arms to apply the custom Pyrite Gold Cerakote finish. Atlantic is always looking for cool new offerings and ways to expand the AK market and this Draco Package is no exception! Uses any standard AK double stack mag or drum Comes with one 30 round mag.

Atlantic Firearms and Elevenmile Arms have teamed up to release some limited production firearms with custom Cerakote Finishes. Elevenmile Arms is a fully licensed, family owned and operated business specializing in ceramic coating. The improved durability and protection is an obvious plus, but the opportunity to enhance the look of our firearms had us excited to experiment with the crew at Elevenmile Arms. These guys are dedicated to providing high quality custom Cerakote applications and have been fantastic to work with on some limited production designs. Sign up for the product notification if you see what you like, or email us if you have a cool idea that you think Elevenmile Arms an Atlantic should take a look into!

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Important Magazine Information

Atlantic Firearms follows all state regulations regarding the sale of high capacity magazines. Due to multiple states and cities now enforcing various magazine restrictions and more coming we will not ship magazines that are restricted in your area with firearms to the states listed below. If the mag that comes with the firearm is not legal in your state or city the magazine will be removed from the shipment. We do not offer custom magazine requests to swap out, ship to another state, refund, pinning of mag, substitutions, dealer approval or other. Hopefully we will see changes to these laws and violations to our second amendment rights. We apologize for this but we simply cannot accommodate each and every magazine request with over 30 different laws, regulations and restrictions impacting states, cities and local jurisdictions throughout the country. It is the customers responsibility to be informed of your local laws prior to completing your purchase. Atlantic Firearms is not responsible for any issues that may arise with magazines shipped to you or your FFL dealer that may not be legal in your area due to a change in current laws.

It is your responsibility to be familiar with your current local gun laws BEFORE placing your order. Please feel free to email us with questions you may have.

By placing an order with Atlantic Firearms you are acknowledging and agreeing to all Terms and Conditions outlined in the Terms And Conditions section.

Please see our High Capacity Magazine Policy HERE.


Important Information

It is your responsibility to be familiar with your current local gun laws BEFORE placing your order. You must talk to your FFL BEFORE you place your order, to make sure they will handle the transfer & legality of the firearm in your area. Please feel free to email us with questions you may have. By placing an order with Atlantic Firearms you are acknowledging and agreeing to all Terms and Conditions outlined in the Terms And Conditions section.